Información adicional
Number of pixels, horizontal | 1280 |
With alpha numeric keyboard | true |
Number of interfaces PROFINET | 2 |
Number of HW-interfaces RS-232 | 0 |
Number of HW-interfaces RS-422 | 0 |
Radio standard GSM | false |
Number of HW-interfaces other | 0 |
Number of function buttons, programmable | 0 |
Screen diagonal | 15.4 |
Supporting protocol for other bus systems | true |
Radio standard GPRS | false |
Radio standard WLAN 802.11 | false |
Degree of protection (IP), front side | IP65 |
Number of buttons with LED | 0 |
Additional software components, loadable | true |
Voltage type of supply voltage | DC |
Number of HW-interfaces industrial Ethernet | 2 |
Radio standard UMTS | false |
Number of system buttons | 0 |
With colour display | true |
Height of the front | 310.0 |
Width of the front | 415.0 |
Suitable for safety functions | false |
Wall mounting/direct mounting | false |
Rail mounting possible | false |
Operation temperature | 0 |
Number of colours of the display | 16777216 |
With message indication | true |
IO link master | false |
With printer output | true |
Type of display | TFT |
With recipes | true |
Process default value (input) possible | true |
Process value representation (output) possible | true |
Number of online languages | 32 |
With message system (incl. buffer and confirmation) | true |
Number of HW-interfaces RS-485 | 1 |
Number of HW-interfaces serial TTY | 0 |
Supporting protocol for PROFINET CBA | false |
Radio standard Bluetooth | false |
Supporting protocol for PROFIsafe | false |
Supporting protocol for EtherNet/IP | true |
Supporting protocol for KNX | false |
Supporting protocol for PROFINET IO | true |
Supporting protocol for PROFIBUS | true |
Supply voltage DC | 19.2 |
Supporting protocol for CAN | false |
Supporting protocol for ASI | false |
Number of HW-interfaces USB | 2 |
Number of password levels | 50 |
With SW interfaces | false |
Number of pixels, vertical | 800 |
Useful project memory/user memory | 24000.0 |
With numeric keyboard | true |
Supporting protocol for TCP/IP | true |
Supporting protocol for SafetyBUS p | false |
Supporting protocol for SERCOS | false |
Supporting protocol for INTERBUS-Safety | false |
Supporting protocol for DeviceNet Safety | false |
Built-in depth | 75.0 |
Supporting protocol for AS-Interface Safety at Work | false |
Supporting protocol for Foundation Fieldbus | false |
Number of HW-interfaces Wireless | 0 |
Supporting protocol for INTERBUS | false |
Number of HW-interfaces parallel | 0 |
Supporting protocol for LON | false |
Supporting protocol for SUCONET | false |
Supporting protocol for DeviceNet | false |
Supporting protocol for Data-Highway | false |
Supporting protocol for MODBUS | true |
Código Berdin | 10207768 |